How To Get The Best From Your Landscape Maintenance Service

How To Get The Best From Your Landscape Maintenance Service

Are you getting everything you expect from your landscape maintenance service? A lawn maintenance company can do much more than just run a mower across your lawn each week. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to work closely with your landscaping professionals and gain the benefits of their wisdom. Here are 8 ways to ensure you’re getting the most out of your landscape maintenance service.

Make Communication A Habit

Great landscape maintenance starts with great communication. After hiring a new lawn service, the next step should be meeting with their representative and creating a comprehensive pre-mowing checklist for your property. Work together to create a schedule and guidelines for mowing.

If there are areas that need special care, point them out. And if there are spots that have been frustrating or concerning you, point those out too. Your lawn service company needs to know about all these special details.

Plan For Expected Events

Advance planning will help your lawn mowing schedule fit seamlessly into your life. Establish a routine maintenance schedule that works well for you and your family, so your lawn care can always happen when you don’t need to use the yard.

Sometimes you’ll need to cancel your usual lawn mowing time, or you’ll require special arrangements for holidays and vacations. Make these special requests well in advance, especially if they are related to national holidays and popular vacation times. 

Share Helpful Feedback

After your lawn service has been mowing your yard for a few weeks, take a moment to share some feedback about how it’s been going. Are you happy with their work? Are there areas of the lawn you’re concerned about?

Be sure to share positive feedback too. Your lawn professionals take their work seriously and want to take pride in doing the job right.

Map Out Special Conditions

If your yard has tricky areas or a wide variety of sunny and shady spots, you may need a map to facilitate communication with your lawn service professionals. Map out each zone of your property and note your concerns.

This is particularly helpful if you have been worried about certain things like proper watering, mowing patterns, and rocky or uneven areas. With a map in hand, it’s much easier to discuss these issues with your landscaping professional.

Ask And You Will Understand

When in doubt, ask questions about your lawn service. This includes:

  • Questions about general lawn care
  • Questions related to weather, foot traffic, and other concerns
  • What the service covers
  • What it doesn’t cover
  • Special requests that may or may not cost extra

Remember, your lawn care professionals are a great resource for expert advice and tips. For example, if you’re worried about overwatering or underwatering, they can examine your lawn and determine the best plan. 

They may also be able to make recommendations about pruning trees and shrubs, removing trees for better light, and controlling the amount of debris in your yard.

Discuss Special Circumstances

Keep the lines of communication open between you and your landscaping company. Let them know well in advance if you will have unusual activity in your yard, especially from other companies and contractors that need access to your yard.

For example, if you’ll have a construction zone in your yard due to a home remodeling project, let them know how it will affect the mowing pattern. Make sure to note any equipment, tools, utility flags, or other things that could create hazards for the mowing crew.

Evaluate Watering Options

If you’re not currently using an automatic irrigation system, discuss this option with your landscaping expert. These systems can give your lawn a huge boost in health by watering at exactly the proper intervals.

This is particularly important during times of heat stress when your lawn struggles to handle long periods of extreme heat and sun. An automatic irrigation system can be easily adjusted to handle it. You can also back off on watering due to local regulations, when necessary.

Be A Team Player

You’ll get the best-looking lawn if you stay prepared for the unexpected and modify your schedule a bit due to current conditions. If you have an extremely rainy summer, for example, your watering and mowing schedule may need to be adjusted.

Discuss the weather with your landscaping service and stay open to their suggestions. By working together as a team, you’ll be able to develop a long-term landscaping plan that keeps your lawn looking healthy and beautiful.

Talk To Us

Do you need a quote from a local lawn mowing service?  We care for some of the friendliest clients in Metro Atlanta. If you need expert lawn care, connect with us to create a custom plan just for your lawn.

We offer a no-hassle pricing policy that features flat rates based on the size of your yard and how often we maintain it. All of our work is satisfaction guaranteed because our plans are always based on your lawn care needs.

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